Thursday, December 4, 2008

How's THIS For A Comparison

I am so sick of everyone ragging on Christina Aguilera for supposidy copying Lady Gaga's look. Christina has been around for over a decade now and I highly doubt that this seasoned "Princess Of Pop" has resorted to duplicating the image of a Kyleigh Minogue wannabe. Don't flatter yourself Lady Gaga, there are lots of similar haircuts and looks going around the music industry.
If we want to talk about copycat artists, lets compare Christina's 2007 Back To Basics tour with Britneys new album that was just released 3 days ago! Both are circus themes and the similarities are uncanny. I love Britney, but I think it's time Christina is given some slack.

Here are some comparison images I put together with Christina's original tour on the left and Britney's on the right. I rest my case.

Update: Ok I absolutely love lady Gaga now and I think it was Christina copying Gaga's looks all along.