Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What I Took Away From The City Premier...

When I first heart about Whitney getting her own spinoff I was a little wary, as Whitney has always been a private person and how interesting could this new show really be?

Whoah was I mistaken! After Monday's premier, I am totally hooked.

SO here I go starting a weekly recap of The City........

Because I am not as gifted a writer as Paige is with her Hills recap in her blog, I am only posting little snip-its of my thoughts.

-Why doesn't Whitney have a place to live yet? You'd think MTV would have hooked her up and at least provided a roof over her head. I cannot wait to see how she decorates her own apartment.

-Erin completely reminds me of Audrina. From the way she does her hair, her facial expressions, and the small prominant lips, she will fit well into the role of "ask the required questions, listen and nod, be the filler friend in Whitney's life". I do think she's gorgeous though.

-Do we all not die for Jay's accent?

-I got my first pair...umm....when I was coming out for my Deb when I was like, I think 18

-What is up with Olivia asking about Jay all the time? I would bet money that a secret will come out that Jay and Olivia hooked up and she's not quite over him. She's asking Whitney (someone she just met 2 days ago) a lot of personal questions about him and she comes off really creepy.

-I don't care what people say, Kelly Cutrone seems wonderful. She is so helpful and nurturing to Whitney and I really hope they include more of her in the show. I think her advice and reactions are priceless and there's just something I sense about her that's different in The City.

-My first pair was umm...I think I was.....17 for my Deb ball.

-Do I think Jay was cheating.....I am honestly 50-50 on this one, but one thing I am sure of is that Alex is icky-poo. His face is all bone. And how convenient is it that whenever anyone in The Hills and in The City goes out to a club, a rival always shows up? (it's not likeTenjune is the ONLY place to go in New York).

-While I am not a fan of the opening music, I absolutely LOVE the way they began most of the clips in this music.....just sounds of the streets below with the cabs, the makes you feel like you are actually in New York. Loves it.

UPDATE: I just don't have it in me to post weekly updates, but even after the 2nd week, I still love The City!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Love For Toile, Damask, And Flocked....Anything

A few months ago I posted about an amazing website I found called Brocade Home I love everything on their site and wanted a house full of brocade.

I have since found a love for anything toile, damask, and flocked. For those of you who think I am speaking chinese, they are terms for patterns that are quite often used in the decorating world. These terms mostly pertain to fabric and wall coverings, but there are some beautiful accessories that have these patterns. I've picked some of my favorite pics below.

Toil Fabric

Damask Wallpaper

Flocked Wall Covering

I cannot WAIT to decorate our house (especially a baby room) with these prints!

Tiny Furniture

I don't even know what these cute little pewter chairs are for, but I think they are adorable and belong in a Victorian doll house. Am I the only one who thinks tiny furniture is to die for?

Bathing Beauties

Thanks to another blog site I found these cute bathroom figurines called Bathing Beauties.
I love that they are outfited in 40's and 50's swimwear and in classic pin-up poses.
My fav is the zebra print figurine.

Retro Swimwear Makes A Comeback

I know retro suits have been around for while, but just recently I started looking at some of the designs and I can only say they are amazing! I am in LOVE with the pink one (especially the oversized bangle and sunnies) which I believe is by Michael Kors. To die for!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Resolutions For 2009!

This will be the third year in a row that I make a resolution, and I am determined to keep it this time. I feel like 2008 has been a year where I let myself slide......physically and intellectually. I feel like I need to reinvent myself and have a "new me" in 2009. So here are my resolutions for this year:
1) Lose the 30 pounds I put on in 2007 and 2008
2) Try to be more of a positive person
3) Put my spiritual life back in check

Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Passion For Architecture And Interior Design

While this picture pretty much sums up a career path I considered while growing up, I did not become an interior designer and have reduced my creativity to scrapbooking and "once-in-a-while" home projects.

Lately I have been bit by some sort of "design" bug and spend a lot of my time viewing interior design and architecture sites. Some of the images I find are beyond beautiful and make me wish I had explored this career further. But instead I just copy them to my computer and add in my own little touches like accessories and images that I think would complement the room.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Super Cool Wall Tattoos

White browsing the net, I came across this awesome site that sells wall tattoos (basically peel and stick wall designs).
Then I realized that my new found "phenomenon" is actually not that new of an idea, and there are lots of sites that offer amazing designs for anywhere from $50-200.

Most of the designs seem to have a "vector art" feeling to them with swirls, and foliage, and the ever popular vector circles. I love vector art and now I absolutely LOVE wall tattoos. I can guarantee that our new home will have at least 3 rooms adorned with wall tattoos.

Above are some of my favorite designs.

Wall Juice, Andiwandi, and Wall Glamour are 3 other sites that sell wall tattoos.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Back To The "Left Behind" Series

After watching the 4 rapture videos that I mentioned in an earlier post, I was reminded of the very popular "Left Behind" books by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins. I read these books in my teens, but only got to #9 "Desecration". There are 7 additional books that have since come out and they spark my interest greatly. I think I'll have to start over at #1 to catch up on all the characters again, as it was so long ago since I read them.

This really is an amazing series and even though they deal with the end times and a lot of scripture, there are characters, and plots, and each book will truely keep you on the edge of your seat. It makes me laugh though when I found them under the "fiction" section of the library.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

1970's Rapture Films

Although they were very popular in the 70's and early 80's, I bet a lot of people don't remember the "scare you out of your pants" rapture films brought to the screen by Mark IV P roductions. I DO!

I was around 13 when I borrowed them from a lady in our church (this was in the 90's) and I watched them over and over. They became imprinted in my memory and I found them captivating. I was already a believer but I have always been really interested in "end times" material. I have not seen the movies in over 10 years and I recently found them all on YouTube!

I am currently on the 3rd film of the 4-film series. While these films are somewhat graphic and explicit, I think it paints a fairly accurate picture of the tribulation according to Revelations and I would really encourage anyone who is even a little bit curious about what will happen to the non believers after the Lord's coming to watch these movies.

If you go to and search for the user jayvon 2304, you can find all 4 movies under the "videos" link at the top left of the page of jayvon2304's profile. Here is the order of the films:

A Thief In The Night
A Distant Thunder (clip 9 seems to be missing)
Image Of The Beast
The Prodigal Planet

You'll have to excure the lame 70's acting and poor picture quality, but these films just might change your life!

Monday, December 15, 2008

I Finally Saw It

I finally decided to watch Grease on Sunday night...I know....I know, but I just never watched it when I was young. It was ok...just ok. A lot of hype over nothing I think.

There are tons of other cult classics that I am often made fun of by my best friend for never having seen them. These include:

Back To The Future
Silence Of The Lambs

Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing, The Breakfast Club, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off are not on that list because I JUST saw those a few years ago.

A Disapointment For Sure

I had never seen the original movie and if I had, I might have skipped the remake. I'll admit, I did not know the movie revolved completely around aliens coming to earth (I thought it would be more of a "natural disaster" flick) but even after getting used to the idea of a 70 foot steel robot standing in Central Park, I still thought it was extremely far fetched and put together very poorly, especially the ending. When the screen went black and the credits rolled, I looked over at my husband and said "ummmm.....ok....that's it?" Needless to say I was not a fan. Not a fan.

Martha Does It Again

Despite being under house arrest for five months a few years ago, she still comes up with ideas that are crisp and brilliant. I found these Martha Stewart carpet tiles at Apartment Therapy that I think are totally practical and can add so much to any room, especially an entrance.

I am loving the light green pictured above and they look super easy to clean. It's a great way to add color and texture to a room without having to commit to a full laydown of carpet.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Fairy Tale Wedding Venue

Is this not the most beautiful wedding pavillion that you've EVER seen? I am awe-struck!
I can imagine the stars twinkling through the translucent glass ceiling while new hubby and wife dance to the likes of Frank Sinatra or Natalie Cole. Only two problems though:
I have no idea where this venue is and......
I am already married :(

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"The Office"...South Park Style

I saw this amazing pic on another blog site and I just couldn't resist copying it. Tee hee.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

How's THIS For A Comparison

I am so sick of everyone ragging on Christina Aguilera for supposidy copying Lady Gaga's look. Christina has been around for over a decade now and I highly doubt that this seasoned "Princess Of Pop" has resorted to duplicating the image of a Kyleigh Minogue wannabe. Don't flatter yourself Lady Gaga, there are lots of similar haircuts and looks going around the music industry.
If we want to talk about copycat artists, lets compare Christina's 2007 Back To Basics tour with Britneys new album that was just released 3 days ago! Both are circus themes and the similarities are uncanny. I love Britney, but I think it's time Christina is given some slack.

Here are some comparison images I put together with Christina's original tour on the left and Britney's on the right. I rest my case.

Update: Ok I absolutely love lady Gaga now and I think it was Christina copying Gaga's looks all along.

She Would Be My BFF

These pics were taken from an ad campaign for Rebecca Minkoff that I found on another blog. So I've taken them and added a TWIST.......the LV Manhattan GM bag I so despirately want right now.

Would I swing with it...absolutely
Would I bike with it...absolutely
Would I sleep with it...absolutely
Would I lay with it...absolutely
Does this mean that I need it......absolutely
PS: Am I upset that I just found out that Madonna is the new face of LV.....ABSOLUTELY!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How Jealous Am I

Yuppers, THIS is Mariah Carey's Shoe Closet! Uggh I love everything about it.......the flooring, the chandelier, and the chair is amaaaaaazing! Oh and not to mention the SHOES!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Gorgeous Louis Vuitton Ads

This is the Manhatten....which if all goes according to my plan, will be my next purchase...cue the Dr. Evil devilish laugh

I don't know what seasons these are even from but I think they explain perfectly why many woman are head over heels in love with their Louis....including ME! *sigh*