Friday, September 26, 2008


Was that not the B-E-S-T episode of The Office you've ever seen? What a way to start off season 5! I can honestly say that I loved everything about this episode and it is now my new fav episode ever!

Moments I loved:

1) Obviously Jim's how romantic and unexpected. I thought he was going to
drive to meet her and tell her he was jealous of her new life. I did shed a tear.
2) Phyllis's tyranical take over of the "party planning committee". She did a great job filling Angela's shoes and her delegation a-la-Angela was hillarious!
3) How priceless was it when Holly tries to defend Kevin against Angela's "retard" scolding. I laughed and laughed!
4) I am actually now rooting for Dwight and Angela, they are meant to be together, and last nights warehouse romps were proof of that. Go away Andy.
5) Ok I can't beleive I put this one at number 5: RYAN RETURNING AS A TEMP! Oh my goodness....that was awesome! Such a great plot from the writers. It's going to be great hearing mr. "wonderkid" saying "Dunfer Mifflin this is Ryan". The battle of the goatees was great also!
6) I thought Kelly pulled off the "starving-malnurished- lemon-diet" look very well. She looked scary and horrible, but great impersonation of this diet (my best friend has done it). It did freak me out when she passed out though.
7) Ok this is not a fav moment, but I gotta ask....WHAT was up with Meredith's face? Did anyone else notice the red splotchy patches (almost like a rash) in the first 1/2 hr? Then it was gone all of a sudden. It wasn't the rabies thing was it?

Oh and while I was searching Google for a photo for this entry, I came across this photo which happens to be my favorite scene from the whole series. Jim imitates Dwight, and Dwight imitates Jim. If it weren't for his bugging eyes, Dwight might actually pass as datable in this pic.

Ah it was a wonderful night.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Ok, I used to think that "Groundhog Day" was the stupidest movie, well this week I found one to top it.

Now, I am a huge fan of silly movies such as the "Scary Movie" series, the "American Pie" series, and most of the National Lampoon series. So I thought I would get my monies worth when I saw this little number in the $5.00 bin at Walmart, especially because I love Paris Hilton as well (not so much her acting, but everything else about her).

Well I can tell you that I think I overpaid by $4.98. I knew I bought the unrated verstion but the dirty scenes and jokes were not even remotely funny. They touched on issues like girl-on-girl action, a girl's first experience with a vibrator, and of course they had the token lesbian, cougar, and foreign-accented characters.

I have never wanted to turn one of these "funny satirical" movies off before but the way this film was directed is almost too horrible for words, especially to have the huge backing of the "National Lampoon" name. I sat and watched not sure if I was most shocked by how dumb this was or by how disgusting the jokes were. It was completely horrible all around. So horrible that I tossed it in the garbage as soon as I was done (it took all I had just to finish it.....thanks to Bell ExpressVu for being down that night, leaving movies the only option for me to watch).

Ugggh, I am at a loss for words on this one.

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Collection Of Interesting Pics

So, I don't know who these women are or what this picture is for, but its fab.

What great images, I don't even know what they are I am assuming?

Ugggghhh....I love everything about it. Such beautiful photographs, so elegant and peaceful

Couples from "The Office"......why is michael wearing no pants in the upper left shot?

Sometimes on the net I come across really cool pictures, and what better place to store them than on my own blog. Enjoy

Such A Good Read

I absolutely L-O-V-E celebrity bio's and tell-all's, and was overcome with glee when the library called and told me my book was in. Within the first night I was half way through it and found her sTORI telling ability to be very refreshing.

When I got to chapter 13 and 14, it hit home with me. It was exactly how I was feeling a few years ago and relates to how me and my husband ended up together. The way she was wording things, it was almost though I had written it. It felt calming to know that someone else went through the same thing and decided to go for for the gold (true love). I am so happy for her.

Now I have to wait 2 weeks for "Through The Storm" (Lynn Spears's tell-all) to come out.

But If I Was......

I know I am not a US citizen, but I love when election time comes around.
Maybe it's something about watching the little images of the states turning red or
blue on the TV screen on decision day, or maybe it's all the drama involved when
2 political parties try to slam each other and all the scandals come out.

Whatever it is, I love the US election coverage and this year has been superb!
Almost having the first female presidential candidate, having the first African-
American candidate, AND all of Sarah Palin's drama has made my TV-viewing
cycle hour at the gym a lot more enjoyable. Thanks CNN :)

Even though I don't know every single issue that each candidate is representing,
I like to think of myself as a hard-core republican (in Canada I am a conservative).
Maybe because I was raised in a Christian home, or because I don't believe that
gays should have the right to marry. Or could it be both of those mixed with wanting
the "underdog" to win? I would love to see the look on the majority of celebrities
faces when the country is "red" yet again.

I am also completely sick of the "comedy" that seems to be found in bashing and mocking President Bush. He was put into office for a reason and I beleive the US needs to have a Republican leader (again, religious reasons).
Regardless of this, I DO believe that John McCain will be a better President than
Obama, and if I were a US citizen, he'd have my vote!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My New Favorite Movie

So back in 2006 a movie came out called "The Holiday". After watching Cameron Diaz in "In Her Shoes" and Jack Black in "Nacho Libre", I had no interest in watching these two actors again. Cameron seems fake to me and Jack's humor is not my taste.

It also didn't help that the only role I can see Kate Winslet in is "Rose" from Titanic, and I didn't want to taint that image.

While friends said it was a great movie, I was not convinced.

Well, this weekend I borrowed the movie from a friend and was determined to sit through it and see what this was all about, after 1.5 years of avoiding these types of romantic comedies.

Now, I don't admit when I am wrong, but BOY WAS I WRONG! The Holiday has now become one of my favorite movies of all time!

I cried my eyes out, you know, the type of crying where your throat shudders and you fear that

suddenly the doorbell or phone will ring and you'll be completely helpless.

As soon as the movie was over and I gained my composure, I called my best friend (who pushed me to see it years ago) and admitted my fault.

This surely was a case of "Don't judge a book by its cover".

My Two Favorite Moments Of The Movie:

1) When Graham and Amanda are in the tent with Sophie and Olivia and the girls talk about how good Amanda smells and her eyeshadow, and how they are the Three Muskateers with their dad. So heartbreaking. I especially love the little girls' accents.

2) When the first night they meet, Graham tells Amanda to close her eyes as he goes in to kiss her, and gently grazes each eyelid with a sensual kiss. She lets out the tiniest sound that makes this scene hit you hard in the pit of your stomach and wish your own husband was not 1200 km's away working out of town (that scene obviously required some rewinding action over and over).

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ok I Gave In And Watched

Now while I admit I was not an original 90210 follower (I watched all the reruns YEARS later), I did enjoy the plots and characters and thought it was very well written (for a teen show in the 90's). When I heard a newer version might be coming to TV, I was impartial to the thought.

But with all the hype of the "new" 90210 premiering, I decided to partake and give 2 hrs of my life to see what all the fuss was about.


-A lot of drama and stories were introduced in these first 2 hrs which kept me interested. Drugs,
stealing, sexual cheating, school cheating, teen rebellion, drunkeness, love triangles, a love-child, basically a whole bunch of goodies to choose from. Hmmmm, except some girl-on-girl action.
And I give it 1 month before a student and teacher fling emerges (then will come the charges of
harassment and he-said, she-said). So predictable, but still fun.

-I was pleasantly surprised with the strong and loving relationship between Lori Laughlin and
hubby. They seem really committed and I aplaud her for standing by her man amidst the news
of a child from his past. I think they are wholesome and bring sanity to the show.

-I love all the scenes with Kelly. I think she is so beautiful and she talks and makes the same
head movements just like her character on the original 90210. It's interesting to watch, and I
can't wait to find out who the father of her child is.....most likely Dillon.


-This show is highly unrealistic (even for Beverly Hills standards). How do a photographer
and a Principal's salaries provide them with the house they have? Especially moving from
Kansas where house prices are nothing compared to California. In the last few scenes, it looks
like a 12 bedroom mansion with a pool and courtyard fit for Paris Hilton.

-The acting was very poor and overdone. ESPECIALLY Annie's. Her mouth movements annoy
me to no end. Especially when she is asked a perpetuating question, she opens her mouth
unsurely and moves her eyes around while saying "ah, oh, eehh, eh, uhh" I can't explain it but
she did it in almost every scene. I felt all the characters were "over acting" and trying too hard.

-A lot of the stoylines were unrealistic as well. No one from the popular group befriends the new

girl as quickly and with as much zeal as Naomi did to Annie. Most parents would not allow a
grandmother to say the things she did infront of Annie, especially coming from Kansas.

-The show had way to many commercials, I think the show was only 1 hr and commercials took up the rest of the time.

-Is it me or could Naomi pass for 30?

-I could almost predict what was going to happen in every scene and storyline, which made for a boring show when I knew what happened next, I know teen shows have to cover all the basics, but I would have thought the "new" 90210 (with such a huge hit behind it to back it up) would at least try to be original.

So in conclusion this show seems more like 9021 "oh no".

Even with my terrible review, I will still tune in next week, as I am now addicted to knowing what's going to happen with all the characters (my original fear of tuning in in the first place!).