Sunday, May 25, 2008

Loving This Theme!

I came across this picture on a website of Miley Cyrus's bedroom. I absotely LOVE it! The shimmery wallpaper is very cool and I love how the black and white accents really bring it out!

I might have to copy this theme somewhere in our new house!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Time To Chop It Off

I've been growing my hair really long this past year (after a traumatic haircut experience in June 2007) and now it's time to go under the knife again and try a new style. It's so long that it weighs down and takes forever to straighten every morning. I originally wanted to get the Victoria Beckham cut but my baby-fat face won't allow for that, so I have an appointment today and this is the cut I want (yup...that's LC!):

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Remember Super Nintendo?

Remember probably around the early-mid 90's a new and EXCITING game console that was grey and purple was introduced! Yes...the nintendo had evolved into the SUPER nintendo! Wow was I excited as a pre-teen. While I mastered Mario World (all-the-while thankful that Duck Hunt was a thing of the past - quack!), I remember my mother's favorite game was Zelda. The music and the images stuck in my head through the years. After countless moves and garage sales, our special grey and purple toy was sold, and the world moved on to the Nintendo 64, and these things called "Play Stations".

Well, just this week I purchased a Super Nintendo from a classified ad, and guess what game came with it? ZELDA! I got home and sat and played a straight 6 hours without even realizing that the whole afternoon was gone. As soon as I heard the theme music, my whole childhood came back. I LOVE IT! When I am done mastering Zelda, I am going to try Mario All Stars and conquer each of the marios that were introduced over the years. So giddy I am!

Trying My Hand At Vector Art

While looking for a picture of a "swirl" I discovered vector art. So after researching for a few days on what vector art is (and downloading an appropriate drawing program) I am going to try my hand at this complex way of drawing. The basic concept is that it reads the drawings as formulas of code and lines I guess instead of individual pixels. I'm very excited to get creative with this and might post a few samples of what I can do a little later!


I was so disapointed with The Hills season finale last night!
Was is just me or did the episode feel very short, and non-drama-filled?

Was the 2 minute conversation between Lauren and Audrina the most exciting thing they could find to air? I am also upset that there were no major scenes with Whitney! I must say Whitney has grown on me this season especially since she joined PR.

Did MTV miss the shot or did they not feel the need to elaborate on how Spencer just happened to "find" Heidi in HUGE Vegas and somehow convince her to go home with HIM, and not her bosses (By the way, Sam from SBE is a major hottie). I guess they thought it would be an exciting enough conclusion to have them ride down the escalator in silence.

Very disapointed MTV......find more drama or lets move on (like Lauren should regarding the Heidi feud. So over it).

Ps, I commend Justin Bobby for how he's encouraging Audrina and he seems like a changed man. And the fact that Lauren and Lo don't want to give him another chance is very immature. Let's leave that decision up to Audrina.

So now I have commented more than I wanted to give the finale credit for.

Sadly I am not looking forward to August's return of Season 4.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Girl Baby Room Ideas

Now, I know I am not pregnant yet but I am so excited about it that I started looking at baby room designs and colors. I really must have a girl so...those are the majority of the themes I am looking at :) I don't think I could handle having a boy. He will grow up wearing pink! I love the idea of large stripes on the wall, possibly brown and pink, or brown and mint. And I just discovered the pattern of "toile"! I love the look of crisp dark brown furniture contrasting with the soft pastels.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I Want It!

I want this kind of puppy!

My husband said that once we moved and settled down we could get a little chihuahua. So even though it's more than a year away, I've been looking at pics, and LOVE this one!

Last Christmas we went to a house to purchase a Christmas tree and the lady had 2 of these and they were just so adorable. They cuddled in our jackets, and I fell in love immediately! She even litter trained them. They looked exactly like the one in the picture. *sigh*..........I haven't decided on a name yet. I want a girl puppy, so "Taco" won't really fit.
Update: I have found a few names I like. Pippa, Holly, Mimi, and Tallulah

Thursday, May 1, 2008

It's Time To Try This Now!

Ok so today is day 1 on the Flush The Fat system. I saw this in Walmart and decided to give it a try. I know I'm supposed to combine it with a specific meal plan, but I am just going to try to eat healthy and get 40 mins of cardio 3 times a week. We'll see how I feel tomorrow once the pills kick in. I've tried dieting since last August...and I can only manage to stick to something long enough to lose 5-10 pounds. I have 20 more to go before Summer. I also tried It really works but I have a tempting tastebud so it was hard for me.