Friday, July 31, 2009

Soooooooo Happy For Them!!!

Yay yay yay! I wanted her to pick Ed from the very beginning! As soon as he came back I knew he was going to be the one.

I was so irritated that she kept picking Wes (now it was obvious that it was the producers decision) and Kiptyn. What kind of a name is Kiptyn?

Because I am preggers I am already overly emotional, but when I watched the finale, oh my goodness did I cry. I cried through 90% of it, especialy when Ed looked in her eyes and said he loved her....."sigh". The front of my shirt was soaking wet by the first 30 mins!

Although I was also really rooting for Reid, I would have been so mad if she went against her heart and chose him. Thanks Chris Harrison for saying "Are you excited about Ed being your husband? Is that what you want in your heart? Then you know what you have to do". Phew that was a close one. I thought she might actually leave Ed!

I have not yet watched "After The Final Rose" but I hope everything worked out and I hope Wes has enough nerve to actually show up and get what's coming to him. Oh and by the way, his song that he sang over and over for's not that good, his voice kinda sucks, and he is a fool for thinking this is going to get him good publicity...everyone thinks he's a douch! So be prepared when his total record sales are only 200 copies; 46 that his mom will buy and 164 for us all to torch.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Jesus Peiro

I am already married but seem to still love looking at wedding dresses, especially designs from Jesus Peiro.

Isn't this next photo to die for!

Beautiful Designs From Rosa Clara

Wedding dress? Evening wear? Who cares, they're gorgeous!

August 9th Will Be B-A-N-A-N-A-S

Season 2 of The Rachel Zoe Project starts in 13 days and I am super excited! I loved season 1 so much that I just rewatched it in preparation for next Sunday.

I don't live in L.A, I don't swoon over vintage, and I am certainly not a fashionista but this show had me hooked from episode 1. Rachel is just so funny "Rachel". And I LOVE Taylor and her hillarious facial expressions while bitching about one thing or another. Rachel will shut-it-down this season!

How beautiful is she!

Apartment Therapy Finds

THIS is why I head over to every day and browse through the endless posts. Great pics and finds like this make it worth sorting through all the eclectic, vintage, boho posts that really don't tickle my fancy.
I sooo want to have a cute little sand garden on my coffee table with bamboo, cactai, and of course the cute mini rake for play time!
And how cute of an idea is this coat rack? Need I say more?

Completely Vulgar And Completely Hillarious

Yes I went to see Bruno the DAY it opened! I had been waiting for this release for months and was sure it was going to be a crazy flic. What I was not prepared for was the straight on lengthly shots of Sasha's Penis flopping around while talking to the camera, the full on gay sex scenes using instruments I cannot even describe, or the amount of shocked gasps emitting from the theatre.

For about 30% of the film I was so in disbelief that I sat at the front of my chair with my hand over my mouth not knowing what to think. And there were moments when I laughed sooo hard I cried.

Was it vulgar, yes. Was it hillarious, yes. Was it all it was cracked up to be, ohh yes.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Some Of Cavalli's Designs

After seeing the dress in the center on another blog, I became inspired to view more of Roberto Cavalli's dresses, like the one on the right which made an appearance at the 2009 Oscars.

Can anyone remember which uber-famous celeb wore the dress on the left a few years ago?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lady G

Oh the wonder that is Lady Gaga. Some of my favorite pics:

Do I think she's nutty and off the wall? Completely, but she's so talented and stylish!

Designer Alexis Mabille

Thanks to Casando Ideias I found a new designer that I love. Alexis Mabille hails from France (obviously!) and his 9 years spent working at Dior definetly shows! The dress on the right is my fav. It has an "Elie Saab" feel.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Take A Bite Out Of These!

Check out these super cute post-it fruits! I saw them on and thought they were adorable. It would be neat if you could rip them out in bite size pieces.