My fav radio station is Channel 95.5 in Detroit. One of their morning show hosts posted a very touching inauguration blog on their site and I wanted to post it here as well, as it brought tears to my eyes:
Kyra's Inauguration Day Blog
January 20,2009
Dear Beloved,
Today is one of the most exciting days of our lives. Last night I couldn't sleep I was so excited. I prayed then I cried and prayed some more. I made up in my mind that today would be a great day, laid out my clothes and of course nothing went as planned. I woke up late, couldn't find my phone, and fell in the drive way and skinned my knee. As I got in the car and turned on the radio the song came on "I almost let go." The words shook my spirit "But God's mercy kept me so I couldn't let go!!!!" Then I became overwhelmed with emotion thinking of all the generations that God's mercy has kept to witness this day! Here I was getting upset because nothing went the way I planned it. Tears began to swell in my eyes when I thought of how my 88 year old grandfather "papa" would have a chance to experience the swearing of the first president that looks like him!!!!
Immediately a conversation that we had during Christmas came to mind. I asked papa was he excited about the inauguration he told yes "I like Obama because he is a great speaker." Which is kind of ironic because papa wears two hearing aids from an accident he suffered during WWII. I smiled thinking to myself papa can't hear Obama's speeches. It was as if papa read my mind he looked me dead in the eye and said "even though my ears can't hear every word my heart does!!!" The more I thought of papa the more I cried tears of joy. I thought about all that papa had endured in his 88 years and I cried even more because today his day!!!
Today is for every papa,big Daddy,Gigi, big momma,Nana, who blood sweat and tears made this possible. Today is for every great-great-great grandparent who built this country in the on the strength of their backs!!!! Today is not about being the first in line at Starbucks or being VIP at the after parties. Today is about reflection and sharing the experience with all those who have worked so hard and that God has kept for so long to see this day!!!
Remember that no matter what happens today God's mercy is keeping you and if he brought your grandparents,great grandparents, and great great grandparents through he will do the same for you.
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."- James 1:2-3 Enjoy today!!! Happy Inauguration
Kyra Dillard