I was so irritated that she kept picking Wes (now it was obvious that it was the producers decision) and Kiptyn. What kind of a name is Kiptyn?
Because I am preggers I am already overly emotional, but when I watched the finale, oh my goodness did I cry. I cried through 90% of it, especialy when Ed looked in her eyes and said he loved her....."sigh". The front of my shirt was soaking wet by the first 30 mins!
Although I was also really rooting for Reid, I would have been so mad if she went against her heart and chose him. Thanks Chris Harrison for saying "Are you excited about Ed being your husband? Is that what you want in your heart? Then you know what you have to do". Phew that was a close one. I thought she might actually leave Ed!
I have not yet watched "After The Final Rose" but I hope everything worked out and I hope Wes has enough nerve to actually show up and get what's coming to him. Oh and by the way, his song that he sang over and over for Jillian......it's not that good, his voice kinda sucks, and he is a fool for thinking this is going to get him good publicity...everyone thinks he's a douch! So be prepared when his total record sales are only 200 copies; 46 that his mom will buy and 164 for us all to torch.