Ok so today is day 1 on the Flush The Fat system. I saw this in Walmart and decided to give it a try. I know I'm supposed to combine it with a specific meal plan, but I am just going to try to eat healthy and get 40 mins of cardio 3 times a week. We'll see how I feel tomorrow once the pills kick in. I've tried dieting since last August...and I can only manage to stick to something long enough to lose 5-10 pounds. I have 20 more to go before Summer. I also tried
www.fatlossforidiots.com. It really works but I have a tempting tastebud so it was hard for me.
How did it go? Did you lose any weight since may? I saw it at walmart too and bought it about 2 weeks ago. I did't follow the diet that's included but have eaten sensibly and avoided refined sugars, soda pop, pastas and bread. I weighed myself today and found out that I lost 16 pounds in 2 weeks! Please let me know how did it go for you. Thanks!
I was only about to stick to it for 2 days, it really messed up my system. So unfortunety, i wasn't able to give it a good go :(
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