My Fav band in the whole wide world is finally coming to our small town.
I've had my VIP tickets since they went on Sale April 15th, and I plan on getting to the park early on Saturday morning to be first in line. Even though these are VIP tickets (only a maximum amount of people allowed in this section, so it's not too crowded) I still want to be right up front against the stage.
I've never been one to line up for events or go crazy to get a good spot, but for these guys, it's worth wasting the Saturday sitting on the grass for 8 hours with my crossword book and ipod.
I know I'm not a 14 year old teenie bopper anymore, but this Saturday.....I'll fit in quite nicely with all the other girlies waiting in line....
"Just to get a glance at a drummer or singer, yeah anything" -Here's To You
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