Now, I am a huge fan of silly movies such as the "Scary Movie" series, the "American Pie" series, and most of the National Lampoon series. So I thought I would get my monies worth when I saw this little number in the $5.00 bin at Walmart, especially because I love Paris Hilton as well (not so much her acting, but everything else about her).
Well I can tell you that I think I overpaid by $4.98. I knew I bought the unrated verstion but the dirty scenes and jokes were not even remotely funny. They touched on issues like girl-on-girl action, a girl's first experience with a vibrator, and of course they had the token lesbian, cougar, and foreign-accented characters.
I have never wanted to turn one of these "funny satirical" movies off before but the way this film was directed is almost too horrible for words, especially to have the huge backing of the "National Lampoon" name. I sat and watched not sure if I was most shocked by how dumb this was or by how disgusting the jokes were. It was completely horrible all around. So horrible that I tossed it in the garbage as soon as I was done (it took all I had just to finish it.....thanks to Bell ExpressVu for being down that night, leaving movies the only option for me to watch).
Ugggh, I am at a loss for words on this one.
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