Was that not the B-E-S-T episode of The Office you've ever seen? What a way to start off season 5! I can honestly say that I loved everything about this episode and it is now my new fav episode ever!
Moments I loved:
1) Obviously Jim's proposal...wow how romantic and unexpected. I thought he was going to
drive to meet her and tell her he was jealous of her new life. I did shed a tear.
2) Phyllis's tyranical take over of the "party planning committee". She did a great job filling Angela's shoes and her delegation a-la-Angela was hillarious!
3) How priceless was it when Holly tries to defend Kevin against Angela's "retard" scolding. I laughed and laughed!
4) I am actually now rooting for Dwight and Angela, they are meant to be together, and last nights warehouse romps were proof of that. Go away Andy.
5) Ok I can't beleive I put this one at number 5: RYAN RETURNING AS A TEMP! Oh my goodness....that was awesome! Such a great plot from the writers. It's going to be great hearing mr. "wonderkid" saying "Dunfer Mifflin this is Ryan". The battle of the goatees was great also!
6) I thought Kelly pulled off the "starving-malnurished- lemon-diet" look very well. She looked scary and horrible, but great impersonation of this diet (my best friend has done it). It did freak me out when she passed out though.
7) Ok this is not a fav moment, but I gotta ask....WHAT was up with Meredith's face? Did anyone else notice the red splotchy patches (almost like a rash) in the first 1/2 hr? Then it was gone all of a sudden. It wasn't the rabies thing was it?
Oh and while I was searching Google for a photo for this entry, I came across this photo which happens to be my favorite scene from the whole series. Jim imitates Dwight, and Dwight imitates Jim. If it weren't for his bugging eyes, Dwight might actually pass as datable in this pic.

Ah it was a wonderful night.
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